December 20th, 2017
We have began studying our series on the Book of Exodus in our Thru The Bible Classes. In two weeks though our Authentic Man, Authentic Women and Covenant Worldview classes along with some others will be rotating. New subject matter will be considered in those Neighborhood Shepherd Groups. Please double check with your leaders, as to the newer curriculum and discussion topics. We wish all of you a happy and safe Christmas in your sojourn. Some of you will be staying in the area, and others travelling. Please take care of yourselves and enjoy the festivities. We enjoyed our monthly Gathering meetings last week, and truly are excited about what God is doing. Celebration and praise is definitely on the hearts of so many. However, there are those who are going through heartaches and hurts in our fellowship as well. Please let God use you to touch those whom God would have you to minister to in a special way. We should have our founding Pastor back with us next month to minister in our Monthly Gathering services in Eastern Nebraska. His schedule didn't allow him to be with us unfortunately for the Gathering. His wisdom and direction we truly appreciate so very much this time of year. In His Mercy, Skip McNeil, Shepherd Leader and Coordinator PS. We once a year have a special Pastor's appreciation dinner and financial blessing we share with him. This will take place the third week of January. Please forward any financial gifts during any designated offering times in your groups. Or, forward your gifts to the office at 2217 Deer Park Blvd., Omaha, Nebraska 68108. Make your checks out to CGMF and put in the memo that it is designated for thePastoral Appreciation Dinner. You may also just click one of the donate links on the website and give through PayPal as well. Let us let Pastor Vossen know how much we love him.
I have been looking at the Life of Abraham of late, as we prepare to study on the Book of Exodus in the Thru The Bible Series classes with CGMF. A particular book by M. R. DeHaan has caught my attention, as I do some background study for the quarter. I wanted to share it with you. I hope it blesses all of you.
Three Odd Requests Near the end of chapter 24 of Genesis we find Eliezer in the house of Rebekah. She has decided to go with the servant upon the testimony that he has given. Notice that her decision was a personal one. No one else could make it for her. We read: And they said, We will call the damsel, and enquire at her mouth. And they called Rebekah, and said unto her, Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go (vss. 57, 58). This was the simple decision which Rebekah made, fully convinced in her own mind that she was doing the thing which was right. Permit me to remind you what it was that Rebekah was asked to do. There are just three things which stand out in the narrative: 1. She was asked to go with a person she never knew before. 2. She was asked to marry a man whom she had never met. 3. She was asked to leave her home and go to a country she had never seen before, and from which she might never return. Despite these three conditions, she said, “I will go,” and that settled it. It was faith, simple, absolute, trusting faith in the word of Eliezer which was supported by the treasures of Isaac which Eliezer had brought along. So, too, the only way that sinners can be saved today is by that same simple faith in the Spirit’s Word, and in the treasures of God’s wonderful Book. God asks us to believe the Holy Spirit and His testimony and the Word of God, though we have never known Him before; to put our trust in the Saviour whom we have never seen and never met; and to trust our destiny to this Guide who will take us to a heaven where we have never been. Salvation is by simple faith, and faith alone. How wonderfully Peter expresses it in 1 Peter 1:8: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Dr. Vossen has preached a message he has recorded on the Prayerline we all need to listen to today. I have asked him to please leave it on the Prayerline for a couple of days and not record another. Why? Because we all need to hear it. I pray you will listen in to it, call the Prayerline please. Let the message touch you today.
To listen in call the CGMF Prayerline at 712-432-8399 and use the Conference number 584684. Then hold to be placed in conference and the message will play. Shepherd Leader, Skip McNeil |