Reverend Vossen's notes from his message today at both his CGMF Neighborhood Group and at St. Martin Of Tours. It speaks of the power of the Covenant Community that was present in the book of Acts, as well our faith & spirit.
To say we were blest this past Sunday is an understatement. Sunday we gathered together some of our CGMF Neighborhood Fellowship Groups for a special Easter event and it was nothing but glorious.
We had wonderful worship and song, with Pastor Vossen singing " Rise Again " with The Faith. It was a powerfully anointed song touching so many hearts. Then we had a traditional communion in full Anglican format, LOL. It was truly an amazing time together. After communion we had prayer for the sick and the needy. Finally, the Word came forth and Pastor Vossen preached on " How to Survive And Overcome the Judas Kiss ". The work God did on peoples heart's was tremendous under His anointing. Six or more gave their hearts to God, many desired to be baptized and how many received the baptism of the Spirit. Well, we are not sure of at this point. It was like Azusa Street in Omaha. I pray you all will continue to take that anointing with you into your Neighborhood studies. Remembering not to get stuck on " What Happened ", but on " What God Is Continuing to do ". Blessings In Christ, David McMann Shepherd Leader, Bellevue |