I am hoping that many of you are getting involved in the various bible groups in your area, and enjoying the tools available to you at our ministry website. We are always working to resolve issues and see the expansion of our ministry resources for your benefit.
In the near future I am hoping to have a lot more audio or video files available to you from sister ministries. As well as, partners and or friends in Christ. This will assist you in your Christian growth, plus give you greater depth in your understanding of the Christian Faith. We are looking for a couple things this next month, as well trying to get started on some new areas of growth. For one I'm looking for more minstrels to help with worship music in some of our groups. Please don't hide your talents from us! We would love to see your musical gifts be lifted up to the Lord. Secondly, we have yet to get off the ground our new ministry in the South Omaha area. I will personally be teaching and ministering in these meetings for the first few months, then later passing the baton to other elders in the ministry. If you live anywhere within driving distance to the Vinton Street area. You might want to come and be a part. I am trying to arrange to utilize bible study facilities at a local church for the gathering in the South Omaha area, as we are going to try some new things with the development of the ministry. This will be a slightly more independent group in a sense than are the previous groups. Which are pretty controlled settings in size and their collaboration with various churches. Having either a connection with a local church, or are drawn within fellowship with 12 or more of our Neighborhood Bible Groups with Quarterly regional gatherings. If you have any questions call us at the ministry at 646-926-0401., or email us at [email protected].
![]() I had a blessed day in fellowship, having the privilege of being part of one of our Bible Study Groups in one denominational setting. Then visiting MCC and welcoming Pastor Tom back from a three month Sabbatical, which took him from Colorado to Mexico and finally Spain. I told him, " I can't wait to see the pictures from your trip ". He just smiled. Tom certainly looked refreshed and his parishioners packed the church upon his arrival. They had missed their pastor a whole lot from what I could tell. He was enthusiastic and they were energized as a congregation. By Reverend Patrick Vossen
During Difficult Times 1 Peter 5:7 CEB Throw all your anxiety onto him, because he cares about you. Psalm 9:9 CEB The LORD is a safe place for the oppressed--a safe place in difficult times. How do you react during difficult times? Where do you place your trust? Or, where do you go to hide, abide or thrive? It doesn't matter who you are, but difficult times of some sort will come your way. Heartaches, disappointments and just life's little hiccups will cause you some kind of anxiety at some juncture of life. How we approach it can surely make the difference in our beings successful in life, or finding ourselves on the way out. These two passages of scripture have been two favorites of mine throughout my life. Both have given me wisdom and comfort when I've acted upon their advice. However, there have been times I have not acted upon these scriptures. In those cases, I have found myself alone and frustrated along life's journey. Either by not recognizing the importance of transferring my burdens to the Lord or by my not to recognizing the " safe places " that God has for me in various stages of my life. There is a peace in abiding in and trusting God that can bring us through so many circumstances. Yet we sometimes take back the cares which we have given to the Lord through worry. Then we become overburdened, overwhelmed and sometimes of spiritually "out of joint" in our Christian walk. We then forget the "safe place" that the Lord can be for us and, instead, seek false comforts which are only temporary. It always does us well to choose His Word's direction, rather than our own and total frustration. When going through trials, pause and medidate on these two passages. Then pray and trust in the unseen hand of God. It's better to give God a chance, then to have no chance in handling the difficult times of life. |