We were hoping to use these for prep, but they will work fine for our review and discussing the series in our 5 Shepherd Groups using this curriculum in their studies. We pray you are enjoying the series. It has been a series we have had since our infancy as a fellowship. This is the third time through this series for some of you. It has been a course Pastor Vossen had us cut our teeth on early in the Ministry. Lesson 2 This lesson can be broken up into three ideas which have, at their cores, a common theme. The first section (Luke:1-22) concerns the ministry of John the Baptist. He is preaching the “baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins” along with exhortations for reformed conduct to various groups. Among the people that came to John was Jesus. Keep that in point in mind. The next section is the genealogy of Jesus, Luke3:23-38. There are two in the New Testament, one in Matthew, chapter 1, and the other here. Note the difference in the ancestor beginning each of the lists. The third is the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness, Luke 4:1-13. Consider these three points illustrated in these sections.
Lesson 3 In this lesson, we see Jesus beginning His ministry. He starts in His home town, Nazareth, by attending the synagogue there. The quotation that he uses is a mixed citation from Isaiah 61:1-2 and 58:6 using the Septuagint version. Note how in the following verses we see that prophesy in action. “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me.“ (See Luke 3L21-22) “He has commissioned me to announce good news to the poor,” (see Jesus calling the disciples Luke 5:1-11; 5:27-29; proclaiming the His mission Luke 5:31-39) “to proclaim release to captives and recovery of sight to the blind; to send off the oppressed with liberty, to proclaim an acceptable year of the Lord.” (Note that illness and possession were viewed as forms of captivity due to sin. Note the healings and especially the exorcisms that take place in these verses.) Why did the people of Nazareth become so angry with Jesus’s statement in Luke 4:24-30? Refer to the two incidents mentioned: I Kings 17:1-16; 2 Kings 5:1-14. How does this relate to the foundation of the Christian church?