July 2018
Times Are Changing At CGMF. I know, Lord, that our lives are not our own, that we’re not able to direct our paths. Jeremiah 10:23 CEB As the Prophet has written, it is not we who direct the paths of men but God. Our ministry here at CGMF, my life, your life, it is seemingly in our hand, but ultimately is in the hands of the Lord. His direction is of the primary importance, and His changes are for our benefit. Whether we are comfortable with those changes or not. We are facing such changes at CGMF after so many years, by the departure of some of our esteemed leadership for various reasons. Now the changes coming are natural ones, and are good in many ways, but will be uncomfortable for us in others. I as well the other Shepherd Leaders must be praying and looking for those who can stand in the gap, and be used to take up the mantle of those who have faithfully served for so many years. We have three wonderful couples and one extraordinary young man who will be leaving our ministry soon. First, we have Skip and Mary our Spiritual Coordinators who basically are the ones who take care of daily ministry. Who have been visiting, leading and assisting this ministry for 8 years. They have for the past 5 years basically been " pastoring " in my stead as I have been more of a director and teacher of the ministry. They have traveled back and forth from North Platte to Omaha meeting, guiding and assisting all our CGMF Shepherd Leaders and Groups so wonderfully, They will be missed terribly. However, retirement calls and a move to warmer climates. I want to personally thank Skip and Mary for making my life so blest, and the ministry a joy in so many ways. You guys will be sorely missed. Unfortunately, we will be losing Jeff Hughes and his dear wife as well. They will be leaving to Tulsa, Oklahoma and teaching at ORU, in addition to attending and serving at Church On The Move. I pray they will greatly be used of God. Jeff and his dear wife have been in charge of carrying out the discipleship portion of the ministry I put in place here at CGMF. Their work especially among our young people will be hard to replace. Thanks Brother and Sister Hughes for your gracious service to this Founding Shepherd. Then there are Garcia's. What can I say about this exciting couple who led our diverse group of personalities in our outreach ministry. Their work with organizing our Gatherings Music program and evangelism was outstanding. For family reasons they are moving back to Texas and working in a church in the San Antonio area. I trust and pray God will use them greatly for His cause. Finally I have tentative resignation from Brother Baker as well. This dear friend has stood with me in starting this ministry from the beginning, and has kept us almost totally debt free for years. I no doubt know to many he has been a pain in butt with his frugality. However, 99% of the time he has been right! His practicality and faith has seen us through so many things. Thanks my dear friend for helping me both start and expand this ministry. Sometimes with just seemingly no resources to use, but somehow God always has provided. Again, your integrity and faithfulness is a testimony to us all. All this being said I am betwixt. We have some big shoes to fill, and I am wondering whom God is going to use to fill them. Be praying for us Shepherd Leaders in our consideration for the future, and how to proceed under the direction of the Lord. I will say we might look outside the church for the first time for those who might take some of these positions. Now we have never done that and everyone has " grown up " into their ministries in the past. Nevertheless, we are considering it and laying it all at the feet of the Lord God bless the entire CGMF family. Love you all so much. In His Grace, Founding Pastor, Patrick Vossen
Our July 25th Prayerline message comes from 2 Chronicles today talking about the son of Hezekiah. Mannassah takes over at the age of 12 and things just don't start off very well.
We trust God will touch you through His Word. We have a new and fresh message on the CGMF Prayerline daily. Hope you will take the time each day to call in and get your fresh bread for the day. To listen in call the CGMF Prayerline at 712-432-8399 and use the Conference number 584684. Then hold to be placed in conference and the message will play. “First seek the counsel of the Lord.” (1 Kings 22:5 NIV) Boundaries How to Set Them—How to Keep Them June Hunt Is your life really your life or is it controlled by someone else? Is your time really your time or is it manipulated by someone else? Is your schedule really your schedule or is it dictated by someone else? If your response is, “That’s me!” then you need boundaries. Do you say yes to everyone and no to no one? Do you find yourself easily taken advantage of? Do you have to grease every squeaky wheel? If so, then you need boundaries. Are there not enough hours in the day to do all you have to do? Are you feeling stretched beyond your limits? Are you meeting yourself coming and going? If so, then you need boundaries. Do you try to be everything to everyone? Do you think everyone’s need is your need to meet? Is your life swallowed up in someone else’s life? If so, then you need boundaries. Are you overcommitted, in over your head, burning the candle at both ends? Do you try to please everyone, yet often please no one? If so, then you need boundaries. You need to know where your responsibilities end and someone else’s begin. You need to say yes to God and no to everything that’s not His will. You need … boundaries! Like nations, relationships rise and fall based on the boundaries that guard and protect them. If we try to be everyone’s best friend, we will be no one’s best friend. We all have limits on our time and on our emotional and physical energy. We cannot be or do everything for anyone, much less everyone, so we must choose who we will be and what we will do regarding the individuals God brings into our lives. Jesus established boundaries for His relationships by … prioritizing the Father … discipling the twelve … and being intimate with the few. He also set boundaries on His actions.… “Jesus gave them this answer: ‘Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.… By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” (John 5:19, 30) Hosea, God And Leadership
7/10/2018 “They set up kings, but not by Me; They made princes, but I did not acknowledge them. From their silver and gold They made idols for themselves-- That they might be cut off. Hosea 8:4 KJV In this very profound chapter from the book of Hosea. The prophet is notating that he and the Lord were left out of the equation, considering a choice of monarchy or leadership. Stating quite vigorously that the people had received leadership contrary to the divine order of God. Rather choosing instead to use criteria other than God Almighty's input considering a choice of leadership. Because of these actions they would open up a conundrum of problems in the nation's relationship with God, and the true prophets of God. We see as we explore the next passage the direction the nation had gone. For in verse five Hosea rebukes the idol worship and religion being promoted in Samaria. A calf representing idol worship, and a king from whom man had chosen without the insight and petition of the true prophets of God. Thus, supplanting humble leadership of divine order which God required. Rather choosing to replacing it with man-made religion of idolatrous order. Therefore showing no heart for God, and no allegiance toward honoring the true voice of the Lord. Thereby giving God only lip service, and manipulating the religious community for their own gain. God never intended for kings to lead his people, but he gave them one called Saul out of their ignorance. However, He also chose whom it would be, and through the prophet of God chose men of the best caliber He could. Saul was the first. Later on God would replace him with David because of his lack of respect toward the will of God. David was the king " everyone " overlooked, but whom the Lord chose because He knew he was a man after the heart of God. David would rejoice in his worship, he loved to sing, he loved the the things of God. He was a man though, and would make his mistakes, but who would also always return to the altar of God. He always, humbled himself, he always showed forth a spirit of repentance. Humble leadership given toward repentance, and leaning toward grace toward all his or her people. Is the heart, mind and will of God. Supplanting or replacing such leadership with just quote " qualified " people or someone who treats his or her people with disrespect. Always leads to ruin and destruction in the long term. Things might be good for awhile, life might not seem to have changed much. Yet, in heaven God oversees the affairs of men and women. He will test those whom we have chosen, and in the fire of God's presence. We will see their sins, their flaws, their lack of true anointing and exposed for all to see. If you are in leadership of any kind. Honor the Lord in true humility, give your heart to Him. Let Him direct your heart. Let not your heart be persuaded by the misguided understanding of this generation, or the subtle manipulations of those with evil intent in heart. Seek godly counsel, wise men or woman whose hearts have been tried in the fire and have been found to be true to the core. Consider folks of integrity and not given toward the personal graft, greed or personal gain, but for the favor and blessing of others. There you will find God's will, there you will find the favor of God. |