If you notice any editing to be done or something out of place please let us know.
It seems some of our pages needed some editorial touchup, as they weren't saved properly or our recent software upgrades with Logos 8 changed some font packages. Appreciate your patience with it all. Jan Welch CGMF Interim Spiritual Coordinator
Pastor Vossen goes in for surgery tomorrow at 7am. Please keep him in our prayers. Trust God for Grace and swift recovery in Jesus Name. We appreciate all our shepherd has done for this ministry, and the time he has invested in all our lives. Keep him in your thoughts.
Remember All Gatherings have been temporarily suspended due to Covid increases. We still have small groups in many locations operating as always. Please touch base with your Shepherd leader for details. Jan Welch CGMF Current Interim Spiritual Coordinator We have limited our groups and made sure to stay within state parameters in our Neighborhood Fellowship Meetings the past few months. June was our first time to host Gathering Meetings, but they have been limited with social distancing, masks and a variety of precautions when we enter the door. No communion unfortunately for now, which I certainly hope to change soon. Here are some photos I gathered the last two weeks in church and at home. Be blest, be safe, encourage one another in love. Amen. Reverend Vossen CGMF Friends and Family,
I trust you are all well, given the past few months of challenges facing us with the Covid virus, and the financial challenges many have faced in the Fellowship. We have no reports of anyone in the Fellowship having Covid. We have met in groups no larger than 20 in any group, and that seems to have worked quite well. Thanks for your cooperation and patience. Reverend Ted Stevens our education director has done a fine job keeping us on course during these times, and Jan has hooked up everyone needing to see or view groups they are a part of through Google Meet, which the ministry has been using quite a bit. Our current study group curriculum remains basically the same. Here are the current offerings available for you at this. Foundational Studies ( Foundations of Truth, The Shepherd Series, Relationship With God, Christian Worldview, Authentic Man Series, Authentic Woman Series ) Through The Bible Series ( Each quarter we study a different book, Jeremiah and Lamentations currently is the books we are in ) Charismatic Truths & Lifestyle ( Spirit Filled living and adventures in the Holy Spirit ) The Prophetical Word Each and every one who is a part of CGMF is encouraged to participate in a discipleship program, and these courses are a part of it. I have been asked by Shaun our Treasurer to remember our Benevolence Fund in your offerings to the ministry. They have been quite exhausted with so many people needing assistance of late. Remember you can always give through PayPal on the ministry website or at your Neighborhood Meetings. On a personal note your pastor will be having surgery and unavailable from June 28th thru July 3rd. Please keep me in your prayers. My doctor believes this surgery will rectify what has been going on with my body, and end the perpetual recurring issues I have been having. Next month we hope to have our Gathering Meetings returning. Please stay tuned for information concerning these upcoming events, as we try to get back to as normal as we can within reason. Blessings in His Name, Reverend Patrick Vossen |