Please note our last audio lesson is complete and uploaded at the FBC website. It is the second Short Courses series we have finished. Our next series will feature " The Ten Parables Of Jesus ". I trust you have been enjoying the courses, and I thank you for those who have been participating in the studies. They can be studied for personal spiritual growth, and are 50.00 for two college credits.
If you don't have a chance to study any other lesson, please do listen to this last message on " Praying In The Spirit ". It is practical and as well sums up the lessons quite well. Short Course page:
The Foundations Series that augments our Foundational Studies series at CGMF is now available on the website. Those studying in that series have finished available the first 13 lessons. The outlines for that study are now available on our archives page. We have been studying the book of Joshua in our CGMF Through the Bible study groups. This past week we compared parallels of Jesus and Joshua. Here are some side notes I offered from David Guzik's book we have been using as backup material. I found it especially revealing.
PS. Can you believe it has been over 9 years since we started the ministry, and this is the third time the Through the Bible Study groups have gone through the entire Bible. That is pretty remarkable. Notes From Study: To face such impossible challenges in our lives, we must look unto Jesus, our Joshua. He always leads us a. Jesus is the fulfillment of the ark; He is Immanuel, which is translated, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23). b. Jesus has cleared the way to victory over all things: Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in the cross (Colossians 2:15). c. As we keep our eyes on, and follow behind our victorious Jesus, the river of impossibility will dry up. d. To the cynic, who wonders if they haven’t tried that and been disappointed, we must ask them: “Have you really tried this? Have you truly walked according to God’s word, trusted in Jesus and been disappointed?” Perhaps your disappointment is actually in your flesh. e to edit. |