This is the message preached this past Sunday by our Founding Pastor at Greater New Hope Missionary Baptist Church in Omaha, Nebraska. We wanted to share it with you.
The Focus Bible College Bible Conference scheduled for the 19th to the 21st has been postponed. We have had a variety of logistical prohibitions and difficulties we could not have foreseen. Our leadership is looking to find a date in October which would be deemed more suitable for the meetings in future.
The 15th of August we will still be having our Monthly Gatherings, but under strict observance to Covid restrictions, and limited numbers. We will be using Google Meet sessions as we always do to stream the meetings in both North Platte and the Omaha area. Jeffrey Stewart from Tulsa, Oklahoma will be ministering in the North Platte meetings, and our Pastor Dr. Patrick Vossen will be ministering to the Omaha-Lincoln area groups. |