Here is the outline of today's message by Reverend Vossen, which will be preached at St. Martin of Tours. As well, at one of our Omaha Bible Groups today. We hope you will be edified and challenged by the Word.
New Bible Study Series at CGMF Begins. Christ In Session: The Real Body Of Christ.
April 21st, 2013 We have started a new series of lessons that will go on for six more weeks. It is on " The Real Body of Christ ". I trust it will challenge you and allow you to understand the Body of Christ like never before. In our bible study groups during mid-week we will continue focusing on the Book of John, and we are in chapter 12 in our verse by verse study. I pray you've been encouraged and well fed in the Word during those bible study sessions. We have been continuing to enjoy our verse by verse bible studies in the Book of John. With precious gems of wisdom coming from so many pages of the book. Please continue to take advantage of those studies in your study groups, and let your Shepherd Leader know of anything you might have need of, or need information about concerning the ministry Currently Reverend Vossen is re-recording the Covenant Worldview Foundations Study and hopes to have the appropriate pdf files to correlate with the studies we are undertaking. We currently utilize the basic Foundations study, the Covenant Worldview Foundations Study and our Discipleship Series ( Our Faith and Our Father ) in our discipleship program. Our Foundations study and the Covenant Worldview Foundations Study has always been from outlines Reverend Vossen has written. The Study on Our Faith and Our Father are a combination of outline notes and background books. If you do not have any of these items, let us know and we can get them for you. The two books utilized for the Our Faith and Our Father series are Derek Prince's Bible Course and a trilogy of books related to the Good Shepherd by Philip Keller. Please continue to pray for the ministry. We are trying to tighten up some of our loose ends with utilizing the current website for the instruction of the Body. However, tying it into our new mobile app and study groups has not always worked perfectly well. LOL. Also, your support financially is always appreciated, as we endeavor to expand this labor of love for the glory of God. A message from one of our local CGMF Bible Studies, recorded this past week. With Reverend Vossen ministering to us on a subject we all deal with on a daily basis. The sin, or the spirit of worry.
A Letter From Pastor Tom Burlington, Dille Parish UCC ( Pensylvania ). With Easter Blessings And Questions We Might Ponder? Reverend Tom Burlington has sent a letter to a group of ministers, whom he has relationship with in the ministry. He asks some very thought provoking questions. Which I present to our Bible Groups to consider, and the Shepherd Leaders. I present this letter to you for your input and consideration. Please read this correspondence and get back to me on your thoughts concerning the questions given. |