School of Faith Quick Quiz Page Totally Restored And Edited.
June 29th, 2013 We have completed editing the School of Faith Quick Quizzes page. It took a week longer than expected, but all the quizzes are updated and edited correctly. We have also added new questions to the tests as well. I hope you will take time to check it out, and enjoy the studies. Thanks to Skip, Mary and Jeff for their help in bringing it back online.
All but three quizzes have been updated, and restored after being corrupted by a bad coding on a redesigning effort. We had to update some of them because our backup was not working well with the Weebly software, but that has now been resolved and our site and all its features now have compatible software. CrashPlan external online backup, as well external drives now are acting as a firesafe, so that this doesn't happen again.
I will say it has been a bit of work to manually restore these, and make sure the appropriate questions and answers are correct. Going back to notes and study outlines used by Reverend Vossen, Skip, Mary and other Shepherd Leaders. Not bad for less than five days having most of it restored. Thanks for every bodies help in this effort. We will have the last three quizzes online by Sunday night we believe. Bible study groups should be on chapter 13 in there verse by verse studies. Here is this Sunday's message as taught by Reverend Vossen at St. Martin of Tours and at one of our CGMF bible study groups. We hope you will be encouraged and challenged by its message. |
Reverend Patrick Vossen,