SUNDAY NIGHT'S LIVE GOOGLE MEET SESSION FROM PASTOR VOSSEN'S SHEPHERD GROUP, WILL BEGIN AT 5PM.10/30/2022 We appreciate all of the Shepherd Groups that connect together with our Pastor on Sunday nights. It is a privilege to be able to participate in the meeting as he shares the Word of God and encourages all of our groups within the fellowship. Tonight's lesson is lesson 14 in your Covenant and Kingdom books, and is on A Chosen Nation. The sermon outline and scriptures are included below. Thank you for your love and kindness towards one another, always. You are a source of encouragement to your pastor and the rest of the Body of Christ. Glen Welch, Shepherd Leader West Omaha, CGMF
News & Meetings.
Gathering Services For Lincoln, North Platte And Omaha Shepherd Groups. November 19th, 6pm The last two months, we have not held our monthly Gathering, because of people taking vacations and pastoral recovery from surgery. However, in November we will be back into the habit of having three Gatherings on the same date. Please contact your shepherd leader for information about the meeting location. As they are finalized, we will post those locations. We couldn't have a live session at our South Omaha Shepherd Group and connect
with pastor, as he battled the flu. However, we have his audio message continuing in the series to enjoy. Here it is. We wanted to share with you one our favorite messages from our pastor. The final night's camp meeting message was on "Crippling Indecision" by Pastor Vossen. I wish the editing hadn't wiped out the background noise, because what was happening that night as people received the Word was nothing short of a heavenly visitation. Enjoy. Please pray for Pastor Vossen, who is currently ill and unable to be with us for our regular service or with his Shepherd Group in South Omaha. He has been battling some stubborn flu-like symptoms. He will try to record what would have been his Word for the Church and share it with us later this week. In His Grace, Glen and Jan Welch, Administrative Coordinators CGMF PS. Thank you for your prayers while we were with my mother in Virginia. The doctors were given wisdom by God. She survived her heart attack and is getting better.
Sunday Night's Google Meet Live Session With Pastor Vossen's Shepherd Group in South Omaha. 10/16/2022. From Our Series From Covenant & The Kingdom. Patriarchs Of The Faith. The Pastor and the Shepherd Leaders would like to inform you of what is available for the next quarter of studies. The new learning cycle will begin on January 1st, and includes two new course offerings. Here is the message for this week delivered by our Founding Pastor.
" Abraham, Father of Faith. " FOR COVENANT FAMILY AND FRIENDS. HERE ARE THE NOTES FOR TONIGHT'S LIVE GOOGLE MEET LESSON. 10/9/202210/9/2022 Our founding pastor will be welcoming you at 5pm every Sunday to come and enjoy our newest Shepherd Group. We come together at St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church
( 24th and J Street ) to worship and learn from His Word. This is a small group ministry, which we hope you will feel comfortable in, and enjoy the family-like atmosphere and closeness with Christ. I enjoyed a wonderful time of fellowship, and enjoyed sharing the Word of God with the church family at GNHMBC. I had been scheduled to speak in September, but Pastor Rollerson was able to give me some extra time of healing after I had recently had surgery. It was greatly appreciated, and I was excited about ministering in the morning services. The Lord blessed us all greatly in Song and Praise, then I followed ministering about " Love Is An Attitude ( 1 Corinthians 13 ). " On Sunday night, we held our Covenant of Grace Shepherd Group live meeting from South Omaha at St. Martin of Tours Episcopal Church. Our time together was blessed, and I preached again from the Covenant and Kingdom Series. I want to thank everyone for their love and support. We have faced some challenges recently, as we have juggled personnel and begun training new staff for their new roles with CGMF. It sometimes took away from time I would usually spend elsewhere, but God has been faithful to us all. |
Reverend Patrick Vossen,