The people wanted a King. Well, they got a king, but after Samuel's farewell address. They realized the awesome God they served, and the tremendous character of Samuel, who served God’s people so well. Sometimes we clamor for change, but don’t recognize the gift God has already given us.
This I something I shared today with the Brethren of FGRMC and others. I want the local congregation to consider the latter item in prayers, because the conference being mentioned could be happening in our venue here in Nebraska.
I appreciate the CGMF family so much, thanks for your prayers and kind thoughts of late. In His Grace and Love, Brother Vossen -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 15th, 2015 I would like to put together for our students a reading library recommendation list. One for each level of degrees we offer. Bible & Theology, Bible & Praise & Worship, Christian Counseling, etc.. If you have a couple of books you have considered invaluable, or that which you wish you had considered during your early years of ministry. Please, pass them along to me if you can. I will try to compile and consolidate a list for your students. Also, I have been challenged by our esteemed General Bishop to organize a Focus Bible College sponsored conference. I am beginning to pray and consider this, and hope to enlist brethren within and without the fellowship of FGRMC to help. I know our folks at CGMF will of course listen to their pastor and assist, but I need everyone’s prayers. Thanks ahead of time, its only in the embryonic stages, but please remember this petition in prayer. Blessings to you all on this wonderful day. In His Grace, Dr. Patrick Vossen FBC, President |